Monday, August 22, 2011

Noah Loves:

- Being chased
- Splashing in the bathtub
- Going for walks. He gets so excited when he sees his stroller and climbs into it
or all over it if it's not open). He gets angry when you put the stroller away.
- Grapes
- Carrying around a wooden block all day
- Head bonking
- Finger beeping
- Holding a toy between his forehead and my forehead
- Getting his teeth brushed
- Being tucked in with a pillow and a blanket
- Having screaming contests
- Peek a boo

He does not really care for:
- Diaper changes
- Green vegetables
- Having doors or gates shut in front of him when he wants to get into that room
- Sitting still unless he is tired

Words we think he says now:
- Ball
- Cracker
- Done
- Good

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