Friday, August 5, 2011

"High Risk - High Reward" - Diermeier Family Road Trip 2011 - South Dakota

Man, I really wish I would've kept a journal of the trip as it was happening. My memory sucks. I'll do my best anyway. (I will probably go back and edit this post once I find the itinerary for the trip).

Sunday, June 26 - We loaded the big, sweet coach bus and left Black Creek around 8am. This is the same time that I started bleeding more than spotting. I was contemplating skipping the trip because I was scared of how to deal with what might be (and ended up) happening on a trip, out of state, on a bus, on vacation.

We stopped along the way to pick up 2 more families and then made our way to Jackson, MN which is where Grandpa Diermeier (who passed away in 2008). We drove past the house he grew up in and parked the bus across the street. It's a small town so I bet they don't get that many buses driving through town, let alone parking in front of some random house. I'm thinking all the neighbors were wondering who the creepers were that were getting out of the bus and taking pictures. We stayed in a hotel in MN that night. Noah slept in the bed with us so it made it hard to sleep because he spins in circles and sleeps sideways and ended up nearly kicking Nathan off the bed. It will be interesting whenever we switch him to a big boy bed.

Monday, June 27 - We got on the bus bright and early and headed to South Dakota. Nathan wasn't feeling well that day and that was the day I called the doctor about my bleeding so all in all it was a little sucky but we made the best of it. We went to Mount Rushmore and I got some good pictures, but we spent most of the time there just sitting down trying to feel okay. It was pretty warm but Nathan was wearing my fleece jacket so we knew something was wrong. Bill was trying to convince him the whole trip that it was from the bus ride, but unless bus rides give you diarrhea....

I went back to Mount Rushmore that evening for the lighting show while Nathan stayed with Noah to sleep. I was expecting like sweet lasers or colored lights or something...but all it turned out to be was a spotlight LOL. Oh well, it was still cool to see it at night.

Tuesday, June 28 - We went to Custer State Park but we didn't see very many animals. I did see 2 deer and then everyone got excited about a black spot way up a hill. The bus stopped and everyone started snapping pictures. It turned out to be a sign, not an animal hahahaha. We did see some prairie dogs (they are so cute and fat!) and 5 buffalo (I took tons of pictures of them for Liza because she loves buffies) and then of course the donkeys that you are not supposed to feed (but if you are in a car they stick their head in your window so how can you say no to feeding a giant mouth staring you in the face).

Nathan stayed back with Noah while I went with a group to tour Rushmore Cave (I love caves!!) Some people also did the looked like 30 seconds of awesome but I didn't do it just to be safe so I took pictures of them riding it instead.

Nathan's aunt Barb babysat Noah while we went through the Needles Highway (Nathan's favorite part of the trip). It's awesome but some of the curves with no sides and straight down edges can be a little freaky. We saw more animals on that drive than we did in Custer State Park. While we were gone, Noah got super cranky for Barb and also for Grandpa Bill (I think he was overtired, and of course confused because we weren't around). Bill kept calling asking when we would be back but we didn't have any reception while driving through the Needles so it was hard to get ahold of him and I felt bad. Noah was crying for like an hr straight so then Bill stuck him in the pack n play and after who knows how much more crying he finally fell asleep. When we got back I went in to check on him and he was still asleep but he was going that little sigh thing he does when he goes to bed crying. Usually that sigh thing lasts most of the rest of the night. Poor little dude.

Wednesday, June 29 - Badlands. Wall Drug. Wounded Knee Museum. Crazy Horse (which we skipped so Noah could nap - which he didn't end up doing - so we took him to the pool at the Lodge for his FIRST TIME SWIMMING!!!)

Thursday, June 30 - Started heading back to MN. Stopped at Corn Palace. Stayed at a hotel in MN.

Friday, July 1 - Back to Wisconsin.

(I got lazy towards the I said I will edit when I find the itinerary).

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